Quarry Hill Winery & Orchard
8403 Mason Rd. (1 mi. east of Rt. 61 at corner of Humm Rd.)
Berlin Heights, OH 44814
Click for Map
Lake Erie Shores & Islands Wine Trail
Erie County
Since 2005, Mac McLelland & Bill Gammie have worked in collaboration to establish the winery and offer a wide variety of wines. The vineyard was planted on the highest point of the farm with a view of Lake Erie. This area was once referred to as "The Pinnacle." As you drive down Mason Rd., you definately won't miss it sitting at the peak of the farm. Our vineyard sits at 834' above sea level, which is 100' + higher than the surrounding areas along the lake. This fact, along with our proximity of 3 miles to Lake Erie, gives us added protection from Spring frosts and allows longer ripening time for our fruit. As well, the rolling land and sandy loam soil provides good drainage and nutrients necessary for proper fruit production.
Carryout for wine by calling ahead 419-588-3179
Please check QuarryHillWinery.org for hours
Our wine bar offers indoor and outdoor seating with spectacular views of the farm's valley and Lake Erie. We have live music every weekend and can rent a portion of our winery for small private gatherings.
Please visit QuarryHillwinery.org for details.